Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012


This is a color pencil drawing I did for my cousin, who loves peace signs.




Lightning Mcqueen
I did these pieces for my little cousin that loves the movie cars. These are his three favorite characters colored with colored pencil.

6 part series

This is a 6 part series I did with black ink pen. The top and bottom piece are the reverse of each other.

Desk Painting

Graffiti painting in different stages on a my desk.


A graffiti drawing of a name I did with markers.

Bed Frame

This was hand done with acrylic paint on the footboard of my bed.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Final piece

This is the final results of my book project after being put together.


Front cover pen sketch
Back Cover pen sketch

Front cover in color

Back cover in color

Inside spread
This is different stages in the booklet design process. I created a 33 page book. The final process will be binding the book together.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

hey everone

Things are going great should hit 200 views soon. I'm up to 185 page view for my blog. I'm really hoping I can start getting some followers and comments to help me with my work.Thanks to everyone who has visited my blog I Look forward to reading your comments.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


City Shelf

This is a shelf  I built with two black pieces of wood and 5 Celling fan blades. The city is hand drawn with a special type of marker.

Tree Painting

Little Birdy

Close up
This is a painting I did for my mom. The background is done with acrylic paint using a scraping technique.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Interesting quote

You ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you, how many moments of other peoples lives have we been in, we're we a part of someone's life when their dreams came true, or were we there when their dreams died. Did we keep trying to get in, as if we were somehow destined to be there, or did the shot take us by surprise. Just think, you could be a big part of someone else's life, and not even know it."


Joe Wilson

Joe Wilson2

Joe Wilson3

Joe Wilson4
Currently I am working on a Booklet project for my Packaging class. The assignment is to pick an illustrator of our choice and create a booklet about that artist showing the different pieces of the artist work  and discussing the artist work. On the outside front and back cover we have to create a design that is created in the style of the artist we have chosen. I have chosen artist Joe Wilson. These images are just some of Joe's pieces. Soon I will add pictures of the booklet in various stages of the design process. I have approximately a week to construct and design the booklet.

Poster Design

Mafia Poster

This is a poster I created for my Graphic Design class. We were given certain topic and my topic was a organization that fights against the mafia. After taking over two hundred pictures. I chose this composition. The diagonals of the police tape creates great areas for text to be places. To create the composition I used brown paper, chalk, police tape, and a hand gun. Then overlayed text in the same color as the police tape.

Ink Drawing



These are two ink drawings of animals. The drawing of the owl is done in a line art style while the Crow was done in a block stencil style.

Sketchbook Painting

Sunset City
This is a sketchbook painting done with acrylic paint. I used a technique I discovered to paint the sky and give it the sketchy look.

Sketchbook Painting

Leaning City Part1
This was a sample painting I did for my drawing class in a sketchbook. It is a mixture of acrylic and marker.

Cd Illustrations

Front Cover

Inside Cover

Inside Spread


Back Cover

These are the illustrations for the CD. The front cover was inspired by a sound effect I found of gunfire on a busy street and pedestrians scattering and screaming. The inside spread is inspired by one of the most annoying thing about a city, Traffic Jams. The Cd is spray painted with many layers giving it a dirty textured effect. The back spread was inspired by a thought of loud dumpster trucks and the dirty and grittiness of the city. The whole design was created with black pen using thick and thin lines.

CD Project

This is my CD project for my Packaging Design class. We were to create a Cd with sound effects of our choice as our inspiration. This is the first stage of the process. I hand made a tri-fold case with grey mat-board and glued orange paper on the inside. I placed a clear Cd case holder on the inside. My sound effect theme for this CD will be the loud annoying sounds of the city. The pictures of the designs that will be featured on the CD will be added shortly.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Line Drawing

Behind a Dying Flower
This is a simple line drawing that focuses strictly on thick and thin lines.

Camo Owl

Hiding Owl
This piece was created with marker, acrylic paint, and spray paint, using various techniques I discovered after experimenting.

Owl Design

Graffiti Owl
This piece is painted on an old paint can lid. It is a mix of black spray paint and purple marker.

Falling City

Falling City
This is an mix of acrylic paint and marker.

T-shirt Design

This is a design I created for my senior class shirt. My design won and was printed for our class shirt.