Friday, February 17, 2012


Words are Weapons

Meaningless Words
These two graphite pieces were meant to mirror each other. This assignment was for my drawing class our goal was to make two pieces with opposite meanings. The first piece explores the saying that Words are Weapons and mightier than any two edged sword. The thought that words can be more powerful than any action is the thought I wanted to convey. You have a drawing of a mouth holding the pin to the grenade, symbolizing the deadly power of the tongue which is mentioned in the Bible. On one side is many different types of weapons in the form of a wing and on the left side is a tattered wing. The bottom piece is based off the saying Actions Speak Louder than Words. The idea that words are meaningless. The skull head with the zipper across his mouth represent how without actions words die out and fade away and become useless. The surrounding dead flowers were meant to carry the meaning further to show how the lack of action can cause harm to the surrounding area. This piece was meant only to discover the true value of words... are they powerful or are the decide.

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